Our Services

Backup & Security Consulting

3it can create, implement and maintain customised security solutions, providing advanced protection for business networks and data.

Regular backups protect against the risk of damage or loss due to hardware failure, software or media faults, viruses or hacking, power failure, or even human errors. Security needs to be considered for all copies of your data, including your working data set, backup copies and archived copies.


Let’s work together

Our Services

We supply a wide range of services to our clients.


IT Maintenance

Information Technology (IT) Maintenance refers to the processes needed to sustain an IT product throughout its operational life cycle. 


Back-Up & Security Consulting

3it can create, implement and maintain customised security solutions, providing advanced protection for business networks and data.


Equipment Rental Finance

Reduce Your Capital Expenditure. Rent your Equipment From Us. We make it happen. Whether it’s for Short or Long-Term Lease.


Print Management Services

Print management software (PMS) is a software system designed for the effective management and optimization of print devices.


Voice & Internet Services

VoIP is the technology that converts your voice into a digital signal, allowing you to make a call directly from a computer or a VOIP phone


Service Level Agreements

servicelevel agreement (SLA) defines the level of service you expect from a vendor, laying out the metrics by which service is measured.